Dating Sites Scammer Photos

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Dating Sites Scammer Photos

Using Google Images to Uncover Online Dating Scammers Google has more information stored than any other entity on this planet, and a lot of that info is in the form of images. Now you can use that power to search for instances of your would-be bride online. 1 hour ago  Alerts. Photo: Studio Romantic ( Shutterstock) A rash of fake dating sites has been scamming people out of their money and personal information, according to an alert issued.

Ukraine scammer photos – girls to avoid when using a dating site


  • 1 Different kinds of scammers
  • 3 Simple rules to follow in order to avoid getting scammed

Ukrainiandating websites are getting increasingly popular, with men from all over theglobe trying to find a beautiful and intelligent wife in Eastern Europe. Andlots of them do find love indeed. However, oneshould remember that internet is a tricky place, where all sorts of scammersare ready to prey on you, especially when it comes to the whole online datingscene. There are lots of pages displaying Ukraine scammer photos, and onemay wonder how many men have fallen victim to their cunning plots.

However, someone’s misfortune is only a warning signthat you should be more careful when looking for a woman of your dreams inEastern Europe. Don’t get disheartened by sad stories of heartbroken menwith emptied wallets – dating gorgeous Ukrainian singles is awonderful experience you’ll really enjoy. Moreover, you have no idea how manyadvantages are waiting for you if you manage to marry an Eastern Europeanwoman.

Besides,scammers are easy detectable for someone who’s been dating online for a while.There are certain patterns to their behaviour, and you’ll learn to figure themout. And if you’re using a trusted and reputable website for dating online,their administrator will always be ready to help you out if something feelswrong.

Different kinds of scammers

When yousee Ukraine scammer photos, you’re amazed at how beautiful and seductive sheis. Fraudsters always use alluringpictures to grab the attention of visually oriented man. Usually these menare of an older generation trying to find an Eastern European girl who istwenty years younger.

But it’snot necessary so, different scenarios are possible when it comes to scammingwestern men on Ukrainian and Russian dating websites. However, one thing is forsure – the ultimate goal of a scammer is money, but the methods of acquiring itmay vary.

Somefraudsters go for the quick money and are satisfied with small amounts. Otherswill hatch a cunning plan of getting a large mount while toying around withtheir victim for months.

Quick money

Awoman will “fall in love” with you after a week of talking to each otheronline. She’ll sendbeautiful mails full of seductive talk, intimate details and sweet promises.You are overjoyed and can’t believe your luck. After years of miserable lovelife in your home country you’ve managed to attract an exquisitely beautifulgirl from a Ukrainian dating site and she’s madly in love with you.


Then she will casually ask you forfinancial support. She needs to visit a dentist, her grandmother is in thehospital, she’s about to be kicked out of a rented apartment – here are so manyreasons to ask for money. In poverty stricken Ukraine it’s not easy to make adecent living, and sometimes it’s particularly hard for her to meet herfinancial obligations. Will you help her? Of course!

This small amount of money is not worthtalking about when a woman promises you eternal love.

As a rule, scammers ask their victims to send money through systems like MoenyGram or Western Union. Bank accounts are easily traceable, and she wouldn’t like to reveal her real identity.

Long-term financial perspectives


Scammerscan also prey on larger amounts of money. For example, if you join a pay-pr-letter dating site,you’ll have to pay for every mail you send or receive. Also, you’ll pay forevery minute of communicating with a girl on Skype. They’ll even hireprofessional daters or models to talk to you in front of the camera.

When the game finally becomes too tedious, they’ll ask you to send money to purchase an air ticket in order to visit you in your home country. Alternatively, they can send you an expensive tour to her home town.

Dating Sites Scammer Photos

You’ll spend lots of money on all sorts ofservices when going on this tour, and the woman you dated online will rejectyou the very last day of your visit – she’s just “not ready yet” for anycommitments. This is only one of many possible scenarios, but you’ve got itright – pay-per-letter sites are better avoided.

You may also like: What to expect when dating a hot Ukrainian woman?

Warning signals

There certain thing that should certainmake you raise your hackles when dealing with fraudsters. As mentioned above, scammer photos are particularlyseductive and alluring.

The majority of Eastern European girls oninternational dating sites are very good looking, but when it comes to Ukrainescammer photos, everything says “sex” about them: the pose, face expression,outfits (or their absence), and body language. If it doesn’t feelnatural, do an image search to check whether these photos were stolen or usedon other sites as well.

There are also other things to pay closeattention to:

  • A womaninsists on living a dating site after an introduction letter. She says its morecomfortable for her to talk via email.
  • Shesays she loves you after a few messages.
  • Sherefuses to talk on Skype with you, inventing different reasons.
  • Herletters are generic and depersonalized. It’s like a monologue about herfeelings and countless love confessions. If you try to ask something, yourquestions are usually left unanswered.
  • Shecomplains too much about her hard life and endless misfortunes – usually suchcomplains are followed up by requests for money.

Simple rules to follow in order to avoid getting scammed

If you’re not willing to join the army ofdisillusioned men who fell for pretty Ukraine scammer photos, these are somesimple rules to follow:

Check the information provided by a woman

Inthe world of today, it’s highly unlikely that a person is not registeredanywhere else except a Ukrainian dating website.

If a person doesn’t have accounts in social media channels, it’s obviously a cause for concern.

Pay a closer attention to such women – theymay not be who they claim they are. Also, check whether they are in the list ofdating scammers. Such lists are easily available online – usually they areplaced on specialized websites and forums.

Ask different questions

If a woman avoids answering your questions,it’s definitely a warning signal. If she keeps sending you seductive lovedeclarations and “canned” emails, you’d better start looking for a soul mateelsewhere. If a woman is genuinely interested in a romantic relationship andmarriage, she won’t ignore your questions.

Don’t share any personal info

Needlessto say, you shouldn’t share nay credit card or online account details. It’s not recommended to share your addressof residence, phone number and full name if you’ve just only started talking tosomeone. Avoid sending any intimate photos as well – a person may blackmail youfor them.

Don’t send any money

Pictures Of Scammers Men

Nomatter how convincing a scammer may sound, avoid sending money to anyone youhaven’t met in real life.If you are asked for financial support in order to pay for visas, passport, airtickets, medical treatments, family member’s funeral, courier services and soon, simply refuse to do so. A scammer will use all sorts of tricks to get thatmoney of you – they often emotionally manipulate and blackmail their victims.Don’t fall for that.

Dating Site Male Scammer Photos

Let you family and friends know where you’re going

Female Pictures Used By Scammers

If you’re going to meet a woman in her homecountry, let your family and friends know where you’re going. This is a mustwhether a woman is a scammer or a genuine person.

How To Check A Male Dating Scammer By Picture

These are only some thoughts on how to act when you suspect a woman on a Ukrainian dating site is a scammer. If you’re sure that Ukraine scammer photos are really photos of someone else, and there is a swindler tying to empty your pockets, don’t hesitate reporting this person. The good news, most Ukrainian ladies online are genuine, and you’ll meet lots of wonderful females to choose a potential life partner from.